Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 45A. I smoke cigarettes in order to keep myself from slowing down. 5 4 3 2 1 B. Handling a cigarette is part of the enjoyment of smoking it. 5 4 3 2 1 C. Smoking cigarettes is pleasant and relaxing. 5 4 3 2 1 D. I light up a cigarette when I feel angry ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 12Philip Morris battles hard to stamp out ' lights ' suits Tris By Ameet Sachdev than a dozen nearly identical participating in ... More Philadelphia lawyer who is PLEASE SEE CIGARETTES , PAGE Status of Philip Morris light cigarette cases CASE ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 107Zona you had MALCOLM SAT on the porch thinking , his hands clasped , his body bent , not even smoking . Toby Bannister sat down next to him and dragged on a cigarette , one of Halstead's maduros . " Have any rest ? ' Malcolm asked . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 28A substantial number of consumers think that light , ultralight , and low - tar cigarettes are not just technical designations ( based on machine yields ) but that they indicate directly or indirectly reduced tar and reduced risks to human smokers . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 332 5 5 -- 5 4 4 بیا بیا ܚ 2 2 5 - A. I smoke cigarettes to keep from slowing down B. Handling a cigarette is part of the enjoyment of smoking C. Smoking cigarettes is pleasant and relaxing D. I light up a cigarette when I'm upset about something ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 4-195 = always 4 = frequently 3 = occasionally A. I smoke cigarettes in order to keep myself from slowing down. 2 = seldom B. Handling a cigarette is part of the enjoyment of smoking. C. Smoking cigarettes is pleasant and relaxing. D. I light up a ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 37He lights a cigarette and blows smoke at the Man of the Family ' s head . Twelve below zero , did I mention that ? Every tree on the lot is frozen stiff . So is our Man . “ Don ' t have five dollars . " " Four dollars . Any tree on the lot for four dollars . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 268As noted by market researcher Frederick Gahagan In his book, Switch Oown and Quit, "Light" cigarettes were marketed as a resgonse to smoker's health anxieties: "With all of the uproar in the media and government about the health hazards ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 14Macit threw the butt of his cigarette away with anger . It fell somewhere in the pitch dark without a glimmer of light . He remembered the stories his war hero father told . He used to talk about this darkness and the cigarette lights at night . . . one ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 65It was Janey who answered somewhat breathlessly as she came through the kitchen doorway with cigarettes in hand . “ Not since last weekend anyway . Didn't you bring any matches , Janey ? How the hell am I going to light a cigarette ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 371 light . at carpetead you . I have , jes Quite a few of the minerals react to black light radiations . Notice here again just a few ... So I say it is a very good excuse to have a cigarette in the middle of a lecture , and I will just light it from this lamp ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 311Pracontal , Michel de , Désert , Sophie des , « Quinze milliards de cigarettes par jour . Un monde sans fumer ? » , Le Nouvel ... Matthieu , « Tabagisme : le lourd secret des cigarettes light » , Libération , 8 février 2006 . Baromètre santé 2005. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 139Smoke drifts from ROBERT ' s cigarette . Light glints from a glass DORIS holds in her hand and from which she occasionally sips . They are mostly invisible except for the drifting smoke and the glinting of the glass . WONG SIEN ( reading from ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 373A " cigarette - proof " composite is manufactured by incorporating SLE LEWING inner structure of insulation . an aluminium foil between the decorative B , air cavity ; C , wood - block separators ; D , face layer and the core . The metal foil plastic ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 232Lucien is impertinent with Corentin : " Monsieur , je ne vous reconnais ni le droit de vous mêler de mes affaires ni celui de me faire perdre une cigarette , dit Lucien en jetant sa cigarette éteinte . " ( SMC . p . 283 ) Lucien's dismissal of a ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 62Inhaling deep , he leaned back in the cheerful cigarette light . Washington was green in here . Reaching out , he brushed a bit of snow from one of his branches . It floated down to his floor . He patted the floor , packing and smoothing , filled in ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 573I have a pipe in one's mouth / 담배 에 : ~ 에 취하다 smoke oneself ~ 를 입 에 물고 with a pipe in one's sick / 2011 got7 light a ciga mouth ; pipe in mouth / ~ ect rette . knock the ashes off ( from ) one's 담배 를 : ~ 를 물고 with a cigarette in pipe ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 249Mo - Jo lit a cigarette , attached his Walkman to his head and before turning to the sports section of the Examiner , glanced at the front page . The words Light the Night caught his attention , and he read Marcia Willis's article once , then again ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 214finds a small bottle of whiskey in the minibar , lights a cigarette , and sits down on the bed with Herbert Verhoeven ' s manuscript . She pictures Tatiana , her pale , calm , interested gaze . One evening , Tatiana goes to see her father . Herbert is ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 274Dark blue, light blue, red, gold, white. (511) 34 Tabac brut et tabac manufacturé, y compris cigares, cigarettes, cigarillos, tabac pour rouler les cigarettes soi-même, tabac à fumer, tabac à chiquer, tabac à priser; succédanés du tabac (non à ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 15C 1978 R J REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO The Preferred Taste 20 CLASS A CIGARETTES Menthol Fresh 20 CLASSA CIGARETTES Menthol Fresh salem Mellow flavor , cooling menthol , total satisfaction . Taste why Salem Lights is the largest ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 200Never light more than two fires with one match ( F , 19 , SLC , 1964 ) ; It is unlucky to light three of anything with the same match ( F , Santaquin , 1930s ) . Cf. Brown 3024 . 6392 6373 It's bad luck to light more than one cigarette with one match ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 80She tries to light a cigarette , in defiance of my proscription against smoking . I try to say something soothing , to make her put the cigarette out . Both of which are virtually impossible , because we ' re fighting , beside one another , an almost ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 1ew " by Hill , puse old inst by has peal but ced No compromise Winston Lights didn't compromise on great taste to get low tar . Why should I ? be ly . ine , P.O. 20 CLASS A CIGARETTES Instax Light Lights 20 CIGARETTES KING SIZE Winston ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 205B . Handling a cigarette is part of the enjoyment of smoking it . C . Smoking cigarettes is pleasant and relaxing . D . I light up a cigarette when I feel angry about something . E When I have run out of cigarettes I find it almost unbearable until I ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 322165 The ash from the cigarette that Tsuda had lit and begun to smoke earlier had already attained the length of almost one inch before he was aware of it and it fell upon the lined page . His sight was stimulated by this ash as it scattered over ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 57e pron VUA uired , of ide leh keani mere LUCKY STRIKE CUVIOS LUCKY STRIKE ITS TOASTED ได้ CIGARETTES Light up a light ht smoke - Light up a Lucky ! WHEN YOU SMOKE A LUCKY , YOU'RE SMOKING LIGHT ! End to end , a Lucky ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 157Ant ) Cigarette lighter ( power antenna ) * 8A compartin Warnblinkanlage . Innenlicht 2 Handschuhfachleuchte ( Gepäckraumlicht ) Uhr 3 Heckscheibe heizbar Hazard warning system . glove compartment light . luggage compartment light . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 53Cigarette smoking , we believe causes cancer of the lungs . That is why when adverts for brands of cigarettes appear on television they are followed with a government health warning , which states that cigarette smoke can seriously damage ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 4-13Western States Council Holds Light Metals Clinic A flood of present and possible new uses of light metals , estimated at ... For the past nine years aluminum foil has been used on some candy , gum and cigarettes , the Hershey company using ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 38I didn ' t like them in the least , I far preferred the cheap , grey national brand cigarettes . That morning , though , I didn ' t have any national brand . I leave the room — just long enough to answer the telephone ringing in the corridor ( nobody ! ) ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 43Benjamin Franklin took a cigarette from a pocket , lighted it , and smoked . Big Talker waited a full minute , and when nothing happened ... If I throw you a cigarette , can you light it ? ” “ Yes . ” " Well , pretty soon , I ' ll throw you one . ” “ Why don ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 173All were heavy smokers ( more than 20 cigarettes a day ) and all professed the desire to break the habit . Two different therapies ... The subject was instructed to take out a cigarette , light it , and smoke it in his usual way . While he was doing ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 141Role models for cigarette handling were fathers , brothers and especially movie stars such as Barbara Stanwick , who was thought ... Even if her butch was not smoking and she wanted a cigarette , it was okay to offer her a cigarette and light it . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 54I open the pack , draw out a cigarette , light it , and puff furiously . Before it ' s half gone I butt the cigarette and light another one . Then I butt it and start a third . " What on earth are you doing ? ” my wife asks , frowning at the rain - drenched road ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 153Michael Jones leaned on the tank and lit a cigarette . ' You can ' t stay here . ' “ What do you mean ? ? ' You have a problem . ' ' No , I ' m fine . ' Nathan ' s voice sounded hollow even to himself . ' I think you have a problem . I ' ve seen you . Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 5... in cigarette smoke particulate matter generated by the ISO smoking regimen from cigarettes available in the United States in 2002 were 0.0138–0.0183 ug / cigarette ( ultralight ) , 0.0184-0.0324 ug / cigarette ( light ) and 0.0384-0.0624 ug ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 97Isolation of the pure sex attractant of cigarette beetle females was continued . The attractant was obtained from the isolated females or from a mixture of males and females collected in the lab or from warehouse light traps . Ten micrograms of ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 123Cautiously , he felt for the light switch and flipped it on . Adelaide smiled at him . She was sitting in a chair , smoking a cigarette . Her coat , her dress , her shoes , her bag , her pink slip , her white brassière , and her pearl necklace were on the ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 122Caution : Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous to Your Health. INVENTORY 5.1 WHY DO YOU SMOKE ? ... C. Smoking cigarettes is pleasant and relaxing D. I light up a cigarette when I feel angry about something . E. When I have run out of ... Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 39Give me cigarette , cripple ! ” she snapped . Tankou opened a fresh packet of Minties and gave her the cigarette . As she dropped the five - franc ... Her eyes squinted as she assessed Tankou in a new light . “ And where does a cigarette boy ...
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